On Making My First GameI’ve just “finished” making my first game (finished is in quotes because, as you’ll read later, it’s never truly finished). It’s an…Apr 21, 2023Apr 21, 2023
4 Benefits (and 1 Downside) of React ReduxI am currently in the middle of building my very first project involving React Redux. Accordingly, I’m still learning the ins and outs of…Apr 10, 2023Apr 10, 2023
Learning to animate with CSSI’ve never animated anything before. I am not a visual artist, I can’t even design an 8-bit sprite. It’s just not in my blood. But I would…Mar 27, 2023Mar 27, 2023
A fraught relationship with backrefWhile learning to code in Python a few days ago, backref and I had a standoff. We stared at each other for what felt like an eternity…Mar 9, 2023Mar 9, 2023
The Arrays Cheat Sheet I Wish I HadAn understanding of Arrays is so critically important in the early days of learning JavaScript. They’re used constantly and in ways that…Feb 2, 20232Feb 2, 20232